Platformer game where yoy play as a chicken that can't stop jumping. Move with A/D or Left/Righr arrows. Collect maize plants to win.

This game has 2 bugs I haven't been able to solve:

- Sometimes, when you walk, death animation suddenly plays, though there is no way the code should do that.

- Flapping sounds don't play when gliding.

Published 23 days ago
Tags2D, Casual, Funny, Pixel Art


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This game is cool, really fun, wish there was more levels.

Thought about adding more levels. But I wasn't satisfied with the cam and game feel, so I stopped at 5 lvls. I also made pixel art for keys and keyblocks, but didn't implement it. Thank you for the feedback!


Hey the death animation thing. Mabey if you have it set from an any state and have it activated from a trigger, and have the animator trigger the trigger from a onColliderEnter2D or onTriggerEneter2D statement in a script for on the spikes may fix it

Thought about programming a state machine, but since it was a simple game, I decided to do 2 blend trees: run/idle, jump/fall. Then, from anystate I created a bool for death animation. I'm not experienced enough with Unity Animator. I might try to fix this another day, but I'm exhausted right now haha


Very cool concept - I don't think I've ever played anything with a jump mechanic like this! And the art is adorable :)

Thank you! Since I'm not a pixel artist, I decided to go simple using toybox32 color palette.


Another game that put's my submission to shame. This is amazing, thank you for working on this work of art!

I'm glad you liked it! I would have liked to improve the backgrounds, camera movement and implement the key and keyhole blocks, but don't want to crunch haha